Program of Study
Coursework and Project Artifacts
Ph.D. program (Fall 2021 - in progress)

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EDIT 6190 Design and Development Tools
Instructor: Dr. Rieber
The goal of EDIT 8190 was to identify and design an innovation for teaching or learning. Activities included hands-on design projects, discussions on design principles, and prototyping. In the warm, safe, and acceptable learning climate, I was able to develop prototype ideas that was related to my research idea. Several guest speakers were invited, and they shared their design stories.
EDIT 8100 Foundations of LDT
Instructor: Dr. Kopcha
By exploring and delving deeply into LDT theories, EDIT8100 enabled me to establish the pillars of knowledge in the field of LDT. I was able to explore extensive amount of foundational concepts and theories, including General Systems Theory, learning theories, constructivist design theory, media theory, and so forth. For the purpose of gaining a better understanding of my research’s foundational area, I identified six seminal articles and created an executive summary as the final deliverable.
EDIT 8990
Doctoral Seminar
Instructor: Dr. Branch
Guest Speakers:
Dr. Stefaniak, Dr. Choi, Dr. Kopcha, Dr. Hill, Dr. Branch, Dr. Knapp, and Dr. Rieber
I was grateful that our program provided a meeting and discussion space for LDT faculty and students. This seminar provides a venue for new research experiences and perspectives to be shared, shaped, elaborated, and refined. As first and second year students were grouped together, senior students’ experiences, struggles, insights, and advice were shared with new students. It was so helpful for checking our progress and determining whether we were on the right track. (source: syllabus Fall 2021)
EDIT 9600
Doctoral Seminar
Advisor: Dr. Hill
Under Dr. Hill’s supervision, I identified several articles and books related to my research topic and compiled an annotated bibliography. In this document, I included descriptive and evaluative comments about the sources in a bulleted list.
Click the hyperlinks to download the file.
EDIT 8900 Advanced Research Methods in Instructional Technology
Instructor: Dr. Choi
This course helped me to deepen my understanding of the research processes, various research methods, epistemological differences between research approaches, and how to frame my research questions. During the weekly case analysis activity, I dissected articles into different components of research, which allowed me to understand the logical flow and how to frame a study.
EPSY 6060 Foundations of Motivation for Education
Dr. Rosenzweig
During the EPSY6060 course, I studied prominent motivational constructs and considered how they apply to formal and informal achievement settings. The goal was to learn about what motivation is, and to understand how developmental processes, socialization, and instructional contexts influence motivation. I also had opportunities examined motivation through a cultural lens. (source: syllabus spring 2022)
GRSC 7770
Graduate Teaching Seminar
Instructor: Dr. Branch, Professor Thomas
This graduate teaching seminar assisted me in preparing to teach undergraduate courses. We discovered a personalized response to the question, “How does effective and engaging teaching look in in-person and online settings?” I could equip myself with the knowledge and skills that are essential to become engaging undergraduate teachers through readings, discussions, classroom observations, authentic projects, and reflective thinking activities. (source: syllabus spring 2022)
EDIT 9600
Doctoral Seminar
Advisor: Dr. Hill
I continued to flesh out the annotated bibliography I’ve been writing since August 2021. In addition, Dr. Hill advised me on current research ideas and this first year portfolio website.
Master's program (Fall 2019 - Fall 2020)
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EDIT 6170E
Instructional Design
Instructor: Dr. Branch
With the authentic instructional design projects, I designed, developed, and evaluated an online-learning program for faculty members of North-West University in South Africa. I discovered a systematic process of instructional design based on the ADDIE paradigm.
EDIT 6190 Design and Development Tools
Instructor: Dr. Kopcha
EDIT6190 provided me with a great opportunity to start designing a mobile application that quantifies and visualizes student’s emotional status, which I presented at the AECT 2020 annual conference.
EDIT 8100 Foundations of LDT
Instructor: Dr. Hill
In this course, I gained in-depth insights of foundational theories and trends of the LDT field. As locating myself in the field, I identified my area of focus among the theories of educational technology, which were affective domain of learning and critical thinking skills of students.
EDIT 8990
Doctoral Seminar
Instructor: Dr. Choi, Dr. Hill
Guest Speakers: Dr. Stefaniak, Dr. Choi, Dr. Kopcha, Dr. Hill, Dr. Branch, and Dr. Rieber
EDIT8990 introduced me to academia, and helped me shape my identity as a researcher. Various discussions and journal analysis with the peer graduate students and faculty members of our program provided me with the trends and seminar topics in LDT field.
- Journal Analysis of BJET (Presentation)
- Journal Analysis of BJET (Excel)
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EDIT 8290 Design-Based Research Methods
Instructor: Dr. Kopcha
EDIT8290 introduced me to the theoretical basis and the practical knowledge of the Design-Based Research Method(DBR), which I implemented in my research project. I implemented DBR with several iterations to analyze, design, and evaluate my emotion-assisting mobile application.
EDIT 6200E Learning Environment Design
Instructor: Dr. Hill, Dr. Woods
During this course, I learned and implemented principles for designing an e-learning environment. I created an online module for the faculty members of the North-West University. This module aimed to teach academic staffs about the technology-integration in classroom.
EDIT 7350E eLearning Evaluation and Assessment
Dr. Jill Stefaniak
I developed evaluation plans and assessment tools for the Athens-Clark County Mentoring Program during a service-learning project.
EDIT 7005 Graduate Student Seminar
Dr. Stefaniak
I wrote a peer-reviewed article as the second
author under guidance of Dr. Jill E. Stefaniak, and it is submitted to the ETR&D (under review) and the AERA 2021 Annual meeting Paper (accepted).
- Manuscript – “Cultivating Instructional Design Expertise: Current Trends and Future Directions”
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EDIT6400E Emerging Approaches in Teaching and Learning Technology
Instructor: Dr. Knapp
EDIT6400 provided me with psychological theories such as Behaviorism, Constructivism, Cognitive apprenticeship, and Learning Community. During this course, I designed “The Talking Dictionary Companion Courses” that aimed to help South African parents and children to learn the North Sotho language.
ERSH6200E Methods of Research in Education
Instructor: Dr.Lee
An overview of the diverse approaches to conducting educational research was introduced in this course. I learned research processes in detail accompanied by weekly practices.
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ERSH 6300 Applied Statistical Methods of Education
Instructor: Dr. Ferster
ERSH6300 provided me with statistical knowledges and skills for data analysis with intensive SPSS practices.
- SPSS data analysis
- Statistic concepts
EDIT 8990 Doctoral Seminar
Instructor: Dr. Branch
During this seminar course, I participated in weekly discussions concerning each peer’s research topics and academic experiences. I also took part in mock interviews for the 1st year review of Ph.D. students.
- Discussions and interviews
EDIT9600 Educational Research in EDIT
Instructor: Dr. Branch
Under the guidance of Dr. Branch, I prepared my next step as a Ph.D. student by designing and creating my Master’s portfolio.
- Portfolio website